WLCB is need of volunteers to help in a variety of areas that include both behind-the-scenes and on-air functions that include but are not limited to:

  • High School Sports Coverage
  • Music Library Procurement and Maintenance
  • New Programs
  • Studio Maintenance and Repairs
  • Website Design and Maintenance

Are you interested in joining our team? Great! We’d love to hear from you!

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Emergency Contact

General Information


The undersigned, if accepted as a member, hereby agrees to abide by the Rules and Regulations of Lakes Community Broadcasting. Any violation of the rules and regulations can result in termination of membership.

Membership Dues are used to cover our expenses but we understand not everyone can afford to pay. Please continue to submit your application and let us know if paying dues would be a hardship or if you'd prefer to pay monthly.

Annual Membership Dues: $200
Interns: $0

Anyone joining after July 1 will be prorated and charged ½ the annual dues.
